Thursday, December 1, 2011

~Looks like Ehd found a couple of matching sticks!~

Questions that Ehd answered along the way:

Dear Ehd, 
I'd wanted to ask you, if you believe in God or something like that? And what would you do if you were to find another woman just like you have found Beh? Is Ehd a mono or polygamist?
Sincerely Monika
 Dear Mohn-
 Ehd luffs Beh.
Dear Ehd.
How many babies would you like to have? Would you prefer girls or boys?
Dear Seh-
Ehd want as many babies as Beh will carry. Big tribe means strong tribe. Boys are good for hunting and girls are good for cooking. I hope girl will look like Beh, with her brown hair. Ehd like Beh soft hair, especially when she give me Khizz.
Dear Ehd,
I know that you don't really have a sense of time in your life, but I was curious, how old are you? yeah, I got nothing...

Dear Cis-
Ehd not old, Ehd still young! Gets young, fertile mate! I see many seasons, many more than I have fingers and toes.
Dear Ehd, how do you take care of your furs? I'm thinking less laundry if I go that route. Maybe I can find some good quality fake ones at least. Is there a lot of upkeep?

Dear Cej-
Ehd not wash furs. beat on rock for less smell. Fake fur...? Ehd not familiar.
Dear Ehd, Brontosaurus burgers or meatloaf?

Dear Guh-
Ehd not know about bront-tuh-sor-us
Meh (Missy)
Dear Ehd, Since you are keen to put some babies into Beh, have you been thinking of any word-names for your children? I personally like Jeh or Emm for names.What do you think?

Dear Meh-
Ehd not think of name for offspring....Wah? They make noise that sound like WAHHHHHHH....
Dear Ehd, Do you think fish is the way to a girls heart?

My Beh like it when I catch fish. She looks happy when I catch them, but she does not like to carry them. She wrinkles her nose if I try to give them to her. I hope she will like to eat them and cook them for us. She is so different from me so I do not know if she will make our food.
Dear Ehd, In two days I will be hosting a Cave Dwelling Warming. I am not sure which way to arrange the eating sticks. Do the shortest go on the outside, then the larger inside? Also, would it be rude if I did not include name rocks for the seating arrangements? Sincerely, Your Cave Dwelling Neighbor P.S. Should I deliver hand-hewn invitations, or will an oral request suffice?

You use sticks to eat. I use my fingers. Very easy. Word Name rocks? Do the members of your tribe not know each other? 
Oral?  When I was with my tribe, we sat in a circle and pass meat around.
Dear Ehd I have a couple of questions. 1. Do you prefer blonds or brunettes? 2. Do you like older woman? 3. Can I have your autograph?

I like Beh's brown hair. It is the color of the tallest tree near my cave opening. I do not know how old a woman is unless I have known her for many seasons. I knew how many seasons the women of my tribe had been through. Since I want a baby, I would not like a woman who was many seasons passed. It is very difficult for autograph (Shiv says this is me drawing my word name), but you can see how I draw my word name on my main page of this blog.
Dear Edward..eerrmm Ehd..what would you do if someone came and tried to take Beh away?

Dear Guh-
I protect Beh, she my mate. Ehd get big stick and hurt someone who take Beh away.
